• 18
  • Dec2019

What is possible with Invisible Braces?

What is possible with Invisible Braces?
Image By Flickr Are you interested in invisible braces for your son or daughter? Are you asking yourself if it is for you? Chances are you might already have had a consultation with your dentist and are told that invisible braces can straighten your teeth, and that's all that matters, right? No, invisible braces can do

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  • 04
  • Dec2019

Swelling after Wisdom Teeth Removal? Here’s how to deal with it

Swelling after Wisdom Teeth Removal? Here’s how to deal with it
Image By Flickr Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars. People get them during their teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth can do great when they are correctly aligned and healthy. However, these teeth usually break through the gums only partially, or they are often misaligned. That's when your dentist would suggest wisdom teeth removal

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